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UDC Community Compost Project

Waste and water recovery stands as the fourth component of College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences (CAUSES) Food Hub Concept. The college uses close loop food production systems such as Aquaponics system to reduce its wastewater and implements compost project to minimize its yard and food waste across its food hub sites. Since early 2017 through a partnership with the Institute for Self-Local Reliance (ISLR), CAUSES started a Community Compost Project. The project includes building a three bin compost system and community compost training at the UDC East Capitol Food Hub in Ward 7. The community at East Capitol Farm went through a compost training that was provided by CAUSES and ISLR during 2017.  CAUSES team installed a three bin compost system (above pictures) in its all food hub sites including Van Ness, B. Backus and Firebird Farm sites. Both Van Ness and B. Backus communities are going through a compost training provided at the UDC B. Backus. In addition, a community compost project is under construction at the UDC P.R. Harris Food Hub site in Ward 8, which will be followed by a community training.  


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